Increasing online activities as regards businesses around the world bring the importance of having the right content model for a company to the fore. If your posts are not catchy, the risk of losing prospects lurks. Just like driving safe is dependent on obeying traffic rules, there are certain key elements which should accompany those copies you craft. At Baynet Fuse Limited, we call them three commandments of content writing.
First, CONNECT WITH YOUR READER. You can use stories to hook your audience, stimulate their interest, and make your intended point in the process. A well-known communication expert, Dale Carnegie, noted in his book The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Communication: Modern Techniques for Dynamic Communication, that using an incident-example grabs attention. This provides an opportunity to make your site visitors or social media followers attentive to your message.
Second, BE CLEAR. This means sentences or statements made must not be liable to different interpretations and meanings. Neil Patel, a top digital guru, emphasizes that “short sentences add clarity to content and make it look snappy. They’re easy on the eyes as well.” So, being intentional in having more short sentences in your content can take it closer to clarity.
Lastly, DEMONSTRATE EMPATHY. That is, let the concern for your audience shine as bright as the morning sun and be felt in the words you string together. Successfully marketing value requires earning some trust of your audience, which results when you show how much you care about their well being. In other words, humanize your posts.
Adding the above ingredients in your next content can help you get those results you desire, particularly as it relates to endearing your brand to customers and increasing patronage. If you need assistance with consistently creating an audience-appealing content, Baynet Fuse Limited can make your dream come true.